Minutes of 2014 Annual General Meeting
Wednesday April 9, 2014 at 7:00 pm
Seniors Hall, Kaslo BC
1. Present:
a. Members: R Cunliffe, S Gibbings, G Gilbert, B Hartland, R McKilligan, B Neelands, A Tellam
b. Trustees: C Command, G Froese, P Gibbings, L Hartland, L McLaren
c. Also: Secretary Treasurer Tara Lynne Clapp
2. Call to order at 7:10 pm by Clapp.
3. Report on the condition of the Improvement District’s works: Summary presented by Secretary Treasurer. Tank replacement project beginning April 2014, with flow meter installation. RDCK grant ($30,000) re-application in process to help fund work towards centralized treatment.
4. Annual financial reports presented. Motion to accept financial reports as presented by Graham Gilbert, second by Anne Tellam. Carried.
5. Current years’ budget and Capital Asset Forecast presented. Motion to accept budget and capital asset forecast by Graham Gilbert, second by Gillian Froese. Carried
6. Trustees’ honorarium: Following discussion, motion to increase Trustee honorarium to $250/year and leave Chair honorarium at $500/year. Moved by Graham Gilbert, second by Brad Hartland. Carried.
7. Election of Trustees: Two vacancies on the Board this year, one nomination received. Ron McKilligan elected by acclamation.
8. Volunteer positions:
a. Water testing: R Cunliffe to take over turbidity testing from G Gilbert, GG to train.
b. Accounting Advisory (assist Secretary Treasurer): Graham Gilbert
c. Maintenance Volunteers: Available for labour tasks: no new volunteers
9. Adjourned at 8:30pm