Board Meeting Minutes May 21, 2015

Posted on Jul 9, 2015

Minutes May 21, 2015 – 7:30 pm

McLaren’s Residence, 4761 Highway 31

Trustees present: Gillian Froese, Laurie Hartland, Lance McLaren, Ron McKilligan

Secretary Treasurer: Tammy Horick

Member:  Pam Ellsay

  1. Meeting called to order at 7:35 pm
  2. Appointment of new Secretary Treasurer / Corporate Officer

a) Tammy Horick replaces Tara Lynne Clapp effective May 14, 2015

             ACTION:  Tammy to notify Local Government Branch of change.

b) Discussion on providing an FCID-owned laptop to Secretary Treasurer to access electronic documents, including Sage 50 Pro and MS Office 2010 or later software.

MOTION to purchase FCID laptop with the requirements necessary to run Sage 50 Pro for a maximum of $500.  Moved by Gillian Froese, seconded by Ron McKilligan.  All in favour.  Passed.

ACTION:  Laurie to purchase FCID laptop.  Tammy will purchase MS Office software later if not already on laptop.

  1. Approval of Agenda

Item 12 changed to “POE/POU Discussion”.

  1. Approval of last Trustee minutes (January, March)

a) Approval of January Meeting Minutes

Local Government Branch said that annual audits were officially required but not enforced for relatively small Improvement Districts like FCID.  (Lance McLaren)

MOTION to approve January meeting minutes as circulated.  Moved by Laurie Hartland, seconded by Lance McLaren.  All in favour.  Passed.

b) Approval of March Meeting Minutes

MOTION to approve March meeting minutes as circulated.  Moved by Gillian Froese, seconded by Ron McKilligan.  All in favour.  Passed.

  1. Approval of AGM Minutes

a) MOTION to approve 2015 AGM meeting minutes with amendment to item 6e) “Laurie Hartland agrees to stay for another 3 year term.” Moved by Gillian Froese, seconded by Lance McLaren.  All in favour. Passed.

b) FCID Board has 4 trustees now, at least 5 is preferred.

ACTION:  Tammy to check maximum number of trustees under FCID bylaws.

  1. Adoption of Mirror Lake POE Report into record

a) Mirror Lake POE Report received.

b) Discussion on how to proceed with POE/POU for FCID.

Andy Shadrack has emphasized the benefit of recent changes to IHA’s POE requirements.  Do we need a Special Meeting after getting quotes?  How to accommodate people who don’t want POE?

ACTION:  Lance and Ron to get 2 quotes and determine who would complete the application for a POE system

ACTION:  Lance to talk to Deb Borsos or Aimee Watson about Gar Creek water source.

MOTION to notify members that the Board has decided to pursue POE/POU water treatment.  Any concerns should be submitted in writing to be received no later than a month after the notice goes out.  Moved by Lance McLaren, seconded by Gillian Froese.  All in favour.  Passed.

ACTION:  Tammy to email members and mail letters to those not on email.  Lance and Ron to write a short blog post for the website explaining the decision.

  1. Adoption of Financial Report (Tammy Horick)

a) As of April 30, 2015, FCID has $117,255.53 in Cash plus $29,720.51 expected in 2015 Tax revenues. Total Liabilities and Equity, which includes capital assets, is $239,481.64.

b) Accepted as presented.

    8.  Maintenance Report (Ron McKilligan)

a) Leaky standpipe on east side of Hwy 31 near 4761 Hwy 31 needs to be replaced.

ACTION:  Ron to call Curtis Hewat to replace.

b) Next system flush will be first or second weekend of June.

ACTION:  Ron to notify Tammy in advance, and Tammy to post to website, email membership, and notify phoners to get those not on email.


  1. POE/POU & Central System Treatment Options

Discussed under item 6.


  1. Changes to KSCU Signing Authority.

MOTION to add Tammy Horick, Secretary Treasurer of Fletcher Creek Improvement District, as signing authority to FCID Chequing Account #24612 at KSCU, and Tara Lynne Clapp to be removed.  Moved by Gillian Froese, seconded by Lance McLaren.  All in favour.  Passed.

ACTION:  Tammy to give signed minutes to KSCU.

  1. Change to Canada Post Signing Authority

MOTION to add Tammy Horick, Secretary Treasurer of Fletcher Creek Improvement District, as signing authority for post office box, and Tara Lynne Clapp to be removed.  Moved by Gillian Froese, seconded by Laurie Hartland.  All in favour.  Passed.

ACTION:  Tammy to notify Post Office.

  1. POE/POU Discussion

a) Accounting – how to address division of capital expenses, including people who already have some form of treatment.

b) Liability – will need to iron out, possibly invite an insurance person to meeting. Renee Ansell of Interior Health commented that FCID must own the units.  The units stay with the house.  When a house is sold, the new owner must take responsibility for it.

c) Directors’ Liability to be investigated later.

  13.  Correspondence

a) Member request for change in morning watering restrictions from 9 am to 10 am. Agreed to leave it at 9 am.

ACTION:  Tammy to notify member.

b) Letter notification of Hagensborg Waterworks District appeal of BC Government Improvement District Policy 6.4.2 which prevents Improvement Districts from accessing capital funding available to regional districts and municipalities.

Letter of support to be discussed under New Business next meeting.

  1. Announcements

Next meeting on Monday, June 29 at 7 pm at McLaren residence.

    15.  Meeting adjourned at 9:35 pm.


Income – May 2015

Balance – May 2015