September 7, 2014 at 7:00 pm
McLaren’s Residence 4761 Highway 31
Trustees Present: Gillian Froese, Ron McKilligan, Lance McLaren, Laurie Hartland
Secretary Treasurer: Tara Lynne Clapp
1. Meeting called to order by Meeting Chair Lance McLaren at 7:05 pm.
2. Minutes of June 10 approval. Moved by Gillian, second Ron, passed.
3. Financial Report end-August approved. Moved by Gillian, second Ron, passed.
Gillian commented on the annotations, found them helpful, along with project summary.
Old Business
4. Flow meter Ron McKiligan
a) Ron presented update on flow meter progress.The $2,300 flow meter was not actually battery-op, and the lithium battery op meters run around $5,000 approx. So, we could save around $3,000 by installing power early.
b) John Wright of Arcright willing to price, select and install flowmeter
c) Moved: Ron to move forward with obtaining temp power supply for flowmeter, with consideration of building. Passed.
d) Moved: Ron to move forward with Arcright on flowmeter installation, also hydrant repair. Passed
5. Website update
a) Tara submitted report on website options. Moved: Accept Tara’s report and pursue website relationship with Pennywise because of longer term cost savings, local support and communication benefit. Expenditure as per estimate, replace classified ad expenditure. Moved by Gillian, second Laurie, passed. Tara to act.
6. Employment Policy / Letters of Agreement
a) Supervision for Secretary Treasurer and Maintenance Coordinator to be by Board as a whole. Tara to edit policies.
New Business
7. Water restriction policies:
a) Do not have a bylaw yet. If there is to be enforcement, need a bylaw, and an even-handed approach to enforcement. That would mean a way of spot-checking or monitoring all users.
b) Board agrees that currently we do not have capacity to enforce, need to win cooperation.
c) If anyone has a concern, best to bring to attention of Board, with dates and observations. Board can write a letter based on concrete observations.
8. Interest Income from Bylaw Reserve
a) Tara reported on interest income from capital reserve and capital expenditure funds, recommended moving some funds to a term deposit for higher interest.
b) Moved: To move $40,000 of Reserve funds to term deposit, conditional on 100% deposit guarantee. Lance moved, Gillian second, passed.
c) Tara to check on guarantee, then move forward.
9. Announcements
a) Property transfers
– names removed from web version
b) New phone lists and need new phoner
– Suggest Carlene for new phoner, Tara to contact.
– Tara to distribute new phone lists.
10. Election of Chair for next meeting