- FCID has $141,951.47 in cash as of July 31
- Water level is down but adequate and clear
- Clarification and review of POE treatment quotes from The Water Guy (Cranbrook) and AquaClean (Trail) is ongoing
- Water restrictions extended to Sept 30
- AGM Minutes and Financials, and a short Newsletter to be sent out in August.
August 20, 2015 – 7:30 pm
McKilligan’s Residence 4705 Highway 31
Trustees present: Gillian Froese, Laurie Hartland, Lance McLaren, Ron McKilligan
Secretary Treasurer: Tammy Horick
1. Meeting called to order at 7:37 pm.
2. Approval of agenda
a) MOTION to approve agenda. Moved by Lance McLaren, seconded by Gillian Froese. All in favour. Passed.
3. Approval of last Trustee minutes (July)
a) MOTION to approve July meeting minutes. Moved by Gillian Froese, seconded by Ron McKilligan. All in favour. Passed.
4. Approval of Financial Report (Tammy Horick)
a) As of July 31, 2015, FCID has
– $141,951.47 in Cash plus $2,227.62 still expected in 2015 tax revenues, not including late payment penalties,
– $235,735.15 in Total Liabilities and Equity, which includes capital assets.
b) Discussion of outstanding taxes.
ACTION: Tammy to send out reminders to members with outstanding taxes.
c) Income Statement to July 31, 2015. Expenses incurred in July:
– Wages of $1,430.28
d) Balance Statement to July 31, 2015
– Accounts Payable of $121.34 is a credit with Kaslo Building Supplies, explaining that long-standing discrepancy.
e) Tangerine account closed on August 13, 2015, balance of $57,313.68 transferred to KSCU.
ACTION: Tammy to put the transferred funds into a Kootenay Saver Term Deposit (1.2%, redeemable after 90 days).
f) MOTION to accept July financials as circulated. Moved by Lance McLaren, seconded by Gillian Froese. All in favour. Passed.
5. Maintenance Report (Ron McKilligan)
a) While the water level of Fletcher Creek is down, there is no cause for concern at this point. The water is still nice and clear and Ron will continue to monitor the creek level.
b) MOTION to accept July maintenance report. Moved by Ron McKilligan, seconded by Gillian Froese. All in favour.
6. Action items from last Trustee minutes
a) ACTION: Laurie to complete soft copies of Bylaws 6, 7, 36 and 37.
b) Welcome Package update complete, including an explanation of the waiver, except for water restriction dates.
– Water restrictions specify fixed sprinkler watering before 9 am and after 6 pm every other day between June 1 and Sept 1, but it can stay dry well into September.
– Agreed that water restrictions are to be in place from June 1 to Sept 30, effective immediately and until further notice.
ACTION: Tammy to notify members of new dates.
ACTION: Tammy to email revised welcome package to trustees as well as mail out to new members.
c) ACTION: Lance to ask Graham to forward turbidity testing results to fletchercreekwater@gmail.com for our records, and Tammy to forward to Lance.
d) Letter to Hagensborg Waterworks District approved with minor corrections.
ACTION: Tammy to revise letter and send out per Co-Chair Laurie Hartland.
e) Tammy couldn’t find a provincial or IHA requirement for how often the Boil Water Advisory must run, but the Pennywise ad only ran 2-4 times per year from 2011-2013.
– It was agreed that running the Pennywise ad every 3 months is sufficient.
– FCID currently pays $360 per year for Pennywise website hosting and a weekly classified (Medium package). Website hosting without the ad is $264 (Light package). Since a quarterly ad would only be about $25 per year, it makes sense to downgrade the package.
– It was noted that website hosting can be found for about $100 cheaper, but it was agreed to stay with Pennywise to support local business and have access to local support if needed.
ACTION: Tammy to downgrade Pennywise web package from Medium to Light.
f) More information obtained from The Water Guy (see Item 7 below).
g) Twin Bay Community report scanned and emailed to Board.
h) Tammy couldn’t find the FCID water license requirements for POE implementation in the FCID records. Laurie phoned Rene Ansell at IHA but hasn’t heard back yet.
ACTION: Laurie to get water license requirements from Rene Ansell at IHA.
i) 2011 POE package and signed/not signed list emailed to all trustees for review.
ACTION: POE information letter in package to be reviewed by trustees.
j) Member comments emailed to Lance.
k) Tammy thought there was enough info to warrant a newsletter (POE update including an acknowledgement of member comments, an explanation of why the waiver exists, the change to the water restrictions, welcome to new members, etc), rather than tacking it all on to the AGM (e)mail.
ACTION: Tammy to email AGM minutes and financials to members shortly.
ACTION: Tammy to send draft newsletter to trustees for review, and email to members about a week after the AGM minutes go out.
ACTION: Tammy to physically mail out AGM minutes and financials and newsletter together around the end of August to members not on email.
7. POE/POU treatment plan
a) Discussion of the 2 vendors and their responses. It was agreed that we’ve likely got as much information as we’re going to get. Both vendors have completed many systems, including ones more complex than FCID’s.
– Aqua Clean is in Trail and The Water Guy is in Cranbrook so there was some concern about The Water Guy’s ability to provide support.
– Aqua Clean has been slow to respond to emails, The Water Guy is quick.
– The Water Guy won’t give an IHA application price as the time required can vary too much. Aqua Clean has given a price but the quote doesn’t commit to seeing the application through to completion (sometimes it needs to be resubmitted several times).
– Warranty is the manufacturer’s warranty plus 1 year for both vendors.
– The Water Guy supplies more Canadian products, but both vendors use similar components with similar warranties. Both use UV Dynamics.
– The Water Guy hasn’t provided specific references. Aqua Clean’s reference, Gar Creek, was happy with their POE implementation.
– The Water Guy couldn’t supply a POU system, don’t know about AquaClean.
– Aqua Clean’s quote is 50% higher than The Water Guy for a 12 gpm system. Why is there such a difference? Aqua Clean gave some small extras like a few replacement parts, and the American dollar may impact their pricing if they use more American parts, but this doesn’t explain the difference.
ACTION: Laurie and Lance to compose and send respectively an email to AquaClean asking them to explain the quote difference, and what POU system they provide.
8. Correspondence
a) Tammy talked informally to Dave McCormick of Pine Ridge Water Users Group (PRWUG), which has a centralized system. PRWUG doesn’t have a Boil Water Advisory, but they don’t have liability insurance because the premiums are still too high. PRWUG has implemented water meters.
9. Announcements
Next meeting is Monday, September 14 at 3:00 pm at Ron McKilligan’s, 4705 Highway 31.
10. Adjournment at 9:05 pm