
Board Meeting Minutes – June 13, 2023

Board Meeting Minutes – June 13, 2023

June, July, & August Financial Statement

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2021 AGM Information

The 2021 AGM was held on Tuesday, June 16.

2021 AGM Package

2021 AGM Minutes


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Board Minutes Dec 13, 2018


  • FCID has $189,827 in cash assets as of November 30, 2018
  • 270,922 in Total Liabilities and Equity
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Board Meeting Minutes – Mar 15, 2018


  • FCID has $170,950 in cash assets as of Feb 28, 2018
  • 2018 Taxation By-law passed
  • 2018 AGM Scheduled for Apr 25 at the Kaslo Seniors Hall
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Board Meeting Minutes, Feb 23, 2018


  • FCID has $171,002 in cash assets as of Jan 31, 2018
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Board Meeting Minutes, Jan 09, 2018


  • FCID has $171,209 in cash assets as of Dec 31, 2017
  • Finances were slightly under 2017 budget.
  • Standpipe at the south end of the system has been repaired
  • 2018 Budget was passed with a 10% increase in taxes, to cover the extra-ordinary cost of a Flowmeter and two curb-stops.
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