2015 AGM Minutes and Financials

Posted on May 26, 2015

Minutes of 2015 Annual General Meeting

Friday April 24, 2015

Seniors Hall, Kaslo

Attendance: Robert Cunliffe, Pat Gibbings, Stewart Gibbings, Laurie Hartland, Gillian Froese, Lance McLaren, Ron McKilligan, Anne Tellam

Secretary Treasurer: Tara Lynne Clapp

Guests: Tammy Horick, Don Scarlett

  1. Call to order, Lance McLaren serving as Chair of the meeting.
  2. Report on the condition of the Improvement District’s works. (Lance McLaren)
    1. 2014 major improvements included new tanks and new screens
    2. Continued work towards water treatment, initially with planning for flowmeter and central treatment design
    3. Renee Ansel and Andy Shadrack were brought to meet with all water user groups in February. At this point, Interior Health willing to pursue risk reduction strategy – which includes considering POE systems under conditions that respect homeowners privacy and property
    4. Procedure for any treatment is to get a design and quote done and submitted, and then respond to IHA feedback
    5. Possible for FCID to be the ‘organizer’ of a POE purchase, buy systems, filters, etc in quantity and pass savings on to property owners
  3. Presentation of the annual financial statement                    (Tara Lynne Clapp)
    1. Reports presented as sent in packages (date corrected)
    2. Move to accept Report by Gillian Froese, second by Anne Tellam, passed
  4. Current years’ budget   (Tara Lynne Clapp)
  5. Trustees’ honorarium;
    1. No motion, honoraria remain at current level: Chair (occupied by Co-Chairs) receives a $500/year honorarium (split), and Trustees receive a $250/year honorarium
    2. Decision
  6. Election of Trustees
    1. Laurie Hartland ends a 3 year terms
    2. Lance McLaren and Gillian Froese continue for 1 more years
    3. Ron McKilligan continues for 2 more years
    4. At least two vacancies, each for 3 year term.
    5. Call for Nominations – Laurie Hartland agrees to stay for another 3 year term.
    6. Election
  7. Adjournment

*Please note: Minutes of the 2014 AGM reviewed and adopted by the Board as per Bylaw #58, at the Board Meeting May 9, 2014. They are due to the Local Government Branch within a month after the AGM.


Statement of Revenue and Expenses as of Dec 31, 2014

Statement of Financial Position as of Dec 31, 2014

2015 budget